Wuensch, Karl Louis
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:56 PM
To: McCammon, Susan
Subject: Hell, Norway
I received a call this morning from Dawn Gibbs in our office for equity and diversity. It seems that somebody has filed a complaint, at the state level, about my web document showing how to download a copy of SPSS from the ITCS download site. The complaint – offense against Christians. On the form pictured in the document I had the requestor’s address identified as 666 Satan Drive, Hell, Norway. Our ITCS has responded to the complaint by blocking access to that document.
Now that I have found that page, it brings back fond memories. The reference to Hell, Norway, was related to one of my students at the time, a Norwegian, who told me about how he had flown out of Hell. It seems that there is a Norwegian Air Force base in or near Hell, Norway, and while in the military he had flown out of there. Yes, in fact, there is a Hell, Norway.